Overseas missions that Hope Centre supports
Alana is a Hope Centre member, who God called to served in Mexico under Kaleo International. Alana and Pablo married, and now have a daughter Emilia Joy. This year they are pioneering a church plant in Oaxaca, with the aim of establishing a church and missions base in the city. From the base in the city they want to be able to take the gospel into the mountains, sharing with people who have never heard the gospel.
Pentecostal and Charismatic in ethos, World Outreach has a passionate belief in the life-changing power of the Gospel and a dependence on the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. Through World Outreach, we support a local evangelist in a nation in Asia where the church is persecuted. Please pray for safety, provision, and doors to be open for the missionary we support.
International Needs (IN) assist national church leaders to grow the church in their own countries. A core value of IN is that local nationals are best placed to identify the needs of their people and develop programmes and projects to meet those needs. Hope Centre partners with IN by sponsoring a local evangelistic pastor in Asia. Although he can currently openly have a church, the government is becoming more restrictive in how they are able to operate. Please pray for protection and provision in an increasingly difficult area to minister.
Hands of Hope was established by Duanne and Jenny Newport. The purpose of Hands of Hope is twofold: spiritually – bringing people into an encounter with God, and practically – helping the poor and needy. Their vision is to see the areas in which they work transformed to God’s Kingdom values in all aspects and at all levels of society, bringing freedom and healing to people living in poverty. Over the years they have been able to build a full elementary school, plant churches, raise leaders, run seminars, sponsor high school and college students. Over the years, teams from Hope Centre have been to visit and minister.
Our regular outreach programs